Zhiyuan guojia gongyehua (menhua) - Bangzhu nongye dashengchan (menhua)

  Visual Documents
Designer: Ma Jiguang
Period: 1954-1954
Physical Description: 39x53.5 cm.
Access: Digital material only available in Reading Room.
Published: Henan Province : Henan renmin chubanshe, 1954, October.
Note: Serial number (Henan 汴): 142; printed by Henan sheng ying diyi yinshuachang (河南省營第一印刷廠 Henan Province-run First Printing Factory); distributed by Xinhua shudian henan fendian (新華書店河南分店 Xinhua Bookstore Henan Branch); first edition 1-487.850 prints; price 500 yuan; banner on right and left repeat the title.  
Print nr. 142.
Subject: Industrialization
Subject Location: China

Call number

IISG BG D91/101