Showing 1 - 20
of 31,190
for search: '"Industrialization"',
query time: 0.14s
Narrow Search
- 1,380 Archives
- 270 Articles
- 22,318 Books and Brochures
- 7 Leaflets, Pamphlets
- 57 Music and Sound
- 1,450 Serials more ...
- 5,708 Visual Documents less ...
- Format
- 254 Annual report
- 8 Book collection
- 11 Collection
- 1 Photo collection
- 2 Serial collection
- 2 admission ticket more ...
- 1 advertisements
- 41 album
- 1,212 archival material
- 1 art and the war
- 1 artists' books
- 1 artists' books (books)
- 12 audio cassette
- 29 audio tape
- 3 aufsatzsammlung
- 12 badge
- 25 banner
- 2 biographies
- 11 biography
- 43 books
- 13 button
- 1 calendar
- 12 case studies
- 2 catalogue of products
- 5 cd
- 3 cd-rom
- 3 charter
- 6 comic strip
- 1 commercial treaties
- 4 conference papers and proceedings
- 6 congresses
- 1 correspondence
- 1 creative nonfiction
- 2 criticism, interpretation, etc
- 1 cutting
- 14 design
- 1 diaries
- 1 dictionaries
- 1 dictionnaires
- 1 digests
- 3 directories
- 315 drawing
- 16 drawings
- 17 dvd
- 4 early works
- 3 early works to 1800
- 87 ephemera
- 1 essays
- 4 exhibition catalogs
- 8 exhibitions less ...
- Author
- 1 A *Candidate
- 1 A *Liverpool merchant
- 1 A *freeholder
- 1 A.Q.
- 1 Aalders, Gerard 1946-
- 1 Aalten, Anna more ...
- 2 Aaron, Benjamin
- 2 Aartsz, P.
- 1 Abadan-Unat, Nermin
- 1 Abbey, Alfred J.
- 1 Abbott, Edith
- 1 Abbott, William L.
- 1 Abdel-Rahim, Moira
- 1 Abdul Gani
- 2 Abeelen, Georges van den
- 1 Abel, Frederick Augustus, 1827-1902
- 1 Abel, Jörg
- 1 Abendanon, E.C. 1878-1962
- 1 Abendanon, J.H. 1852-1925
- 5 Abendroth, Wolfgang
- 1 Abersold, John R.
- 1 Abezgauz, Zalman Evnovič
- 1 Ablaing van Giessenburg, R.C. d'
- 1 Abodeely, John E.
- 1 Abott, Edith
- 1 Abouchar, Alan
- 1 About, Edmond
- 1 Abrahamsson, Bengt
- 1 Abrams, Irving S.
- 2 Abromeit, Heidrun
- 1 Abu-Shokor, Abdel Fattah
- 1 Acampo, J.
- 1 Accampo, Elinor
- 1 Accornero, Aris
- 1 Acehan, Işil
- 1 Acharya, M.P. Tirumala 1887-1954
- 1 Achaya, K.T.
- 1 Achmedžanova, Zajnab Kadyrovna
- 1 Achmetov, Abdrašit Rachimovič
- 1 Achten, Udo
- 1 Ackers, Peter
- 1 Ackersdijck, Jan
- 2 Aclocque, Geneviève
- 1 Acosta, Alberto, 1948-
- 1 Adam Keller
- 1 Adams Jr., Graham
- 1 Adams, Harold W.
- 4 Adams, Leonard P.
- 1 Adams, W.
- 1 Addison, Lincoln, 1980- less ...
- Language
- 1 Afrikaans
- 3 Amharic
- 16 Arabic
- 2 Azerbaijani
- 1 Belarusian
- 10 Bengali more ...
- 3 Bulgarian
- 6 Burmese
- 13 Catalan
- 8 Central Khmer
- 284 Chinese
- 30 Czech
- 6 Danish
- 5,214 Dutch
- 8,709 English
- 1 Esperanto
- 1 Estonian
- 2 Finnish
- 2,040 French
- 2,270 German
- 1 Greek
- 1 Gujarati
- 4 Hebrew
- 5 Hindi
- 23 Hungarian
- 2 Icelandic
- 36 Indonesian
- 12 Iranian
- 116 Italian
- 30 Japanese
- 7 Korean
- 3 Latin
- 4 Malay
- 2 Multiple
- 2 Nepali
- 2,106 No linguistic content
- 5 Norwegian
- 1 Norwegian Bokmål
- 1 Panjabi
- 1 Papiamento
- 2 Persian
- 24 Polish
- 34 Portuguese
- 1 Pushto
- 23 Romanian
- 470 Russian
- 1 Sindhi
- 11 Sinhala
- 1 Slovenian
- 291 Spanish less ...
- Region
- 3 Algeria
- 6 Angola
- 1 Antarctica
- 5 Argentina
- 1 Armenia
- 7 Australia more ...
- 26 Austria
- 2 Azerbaijan
- 8 Bangladesh
- 130 Belgium
- 1 Bhutan
- 3 Bolivia
- 2 Botswana
- 8 Brazil
- 1 Bulgaria
- 1 Burma
- 1 Cambodia
- 1 Cameroon
- 4 Canada
- 2 Cape Verde
- 6 Chile
- 15 China
- 2 Colombia
- 1 Congo
- 1 Costa Rica
- 1 Cuba
- 3 Czech Republic
- 3 Czechoslovakia
- 7 Denmark
- 1 Djibouti
- 1 Dominica
- 6 Egypt
- 3 El Salvador
- 1 Eritrea
- 9 Ethiopia
- 1 Finland
- 111 France
- 4 Georgia
- 104 Germany
- 1 Ghana
- 2 Greece
- 1 Grenada
- 2 Guatemala
- 3 Guinea-Bissau
- 4 Guyana
- 1 Haiti
- 7 Hong Kong
- 6 Hungary
- 1 Iceland
- 24 India less ...
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 1 15.59 history of great parts of the world, peoples, civilizations: other
- 1 15.70 history of Europe
- 2 15.75 history of Asia
- 1 15.85 history of America
- 1 15.99 history: other
- 1 1900-1950 more ...
- 1 1966-2000
- 1 1976-2000
- 1 19th Century
- 2 21.71 commercial and industrial buildings
- 1 50.14 technology assessment
- 1 83.00 economics: general
- 1 83.21 market economy
- 2 83.30 economic conditions, development and structure: general
- 1 83.67 industry
- 1 85.05 management and organization: general
- 1 85.63 industrial relations
- 1 85.64 occupations
- 3 AIDS
- 1 ART / Film & Video
- 1 Aardolie
- 1 Abaca industry
- 1 Abfallwirtschaft
- 3 Abortion
- 1 Accident nucléaire de Fukushima, Japon, 2011
- 1 Accidents
- 1 Acier
- 1 Ackerbau
- 1 Activité politique
- 1 Activités internationales
- 3 Administration
- 1 Advertisement
- 14 Advertising
- 1 African American
- 1 African American consumers
- 1 African American household employees
- 1 African American labor leaders
- 1 African American white collar workers
- 5 African Americans
- 1 African languages
- 2 Africans
- 3 Aged
- 1 Agricultural biotechnology
- 1 Agricultural contracts
- 1 Agricultural ecology
- 8 Agricultural industries
- 1 Agricultural innovations
- 8 Agricultural laborers
- 1 Agricultural laborers, Foreign
- 1 Agricultural machinery less ...
- Topic (Archive)
- 40 Anarchist movements
- 9 Anti-slavery movements
- 44 Capitalism/Anti-capitalist movements/Anti-globalization movements
- 3 Censorship
- 2 Christian-democrat movements and parties
- 118 Colonial question/Anti-colonialist movements more ...
- 81 Communist movements and parties
- 2 Concentration camps/Internment camps/Forced labor camps
- 25 Cultural and sociocultural movements
- 88 Culture, media and arts
- 55 Education
- 15 Elections/Electoral campaigns
- 38 Environmentalist and anti-nuclear movements
- 30 Exiles/Political refugees
- 22 Fascism and Nazism/ Fascist and Nazist movements and parties/Anti-fascist movements
- 30 Feminist movements/Women's movements
- 9 Green movements and parties
- 25 Health
- 23 Housing
- 37 Human rights organizations
- 3 Imperialism/Anti-imperialist movements
- 7 Independencies
- 63 International organizations
- 24 International relations
- 37 Jobless/Social security
- 13 Migrations/Migrant movements
- 28 Military conflicts and activities
- 5 Nationalisms/Autonomist and separatist movements
- 39 Negotiations/Labour exchanges
- 5 Nonprofit organizations/Charities
- 19 Occupation/ Resistance movements
- 37 Pacifism/Peace movements
- 18 Peasant movements
- 20 Political prisoners/Political trials
- 48 Press/Journalism
- 19 Racism/Anti-racist movements
- 23 Radical movements and parties
- 24 Religious movements/Anti-clericalism/Atheism
- 18 Riots, revolutions and protests
- 15 Science and technology
- 4 Sexualities/LGBT movements
- 73 Social economy
- 37 Social life and customs
- 103 Socialist and social democrat parties/Socialist International
- 36 Solidarity movements
- 61 State and administrative activities
- 38 Strikes/Labour conflicts
- 1 Student Movements
- 222 Syndicalism/Trade unions
- 876 Trade/Industry/Finance less ...
- Collector
- 17 AHOLD
- 1 AJC
- 15 ANDB
- 3 ASVA
- 1 Aedes Vereniging van Woningcorporaties
- 3 Algemene Nederlandse Bond van Textielarbeiders "De Eendracht" more ...
- 2 Algemene Nederlandse Bouwarbeidersbond
- 3 Amsterdamse Effectenbeurs
- 1 Arbeiderspers (Amsterdam)
- 5 Arntz, Gerd
- 1 Avot-Meyers, Pierre
- 7 Bajon, Jean-Yves
- 61 Bajon, Jean-Yves
- 1 Bangladesh Groep Nederland
- 8 Behrendt, Fritz
- 1 Beroepsvereniging van Beeldende Kunstenaars
- 4 Boeke, Kees
- 1 Bond voor Dienstplichtigen
- 4 Bouw- en Houtbond FNV
- 1 Braem, Martin
- 33 Breman, Jan
- 6 Brendel, Cajo
- 14 Brouwer, Erik
- 1 Brown, Stanley
- 1 Bymolt, W.
- 8 C.W. Daniel Company (Ashingdon)
- 299 CNT (España)
- 5 CNV
- 24 CNV BedrijvenBond
- 2 CPN
- 2 Cebuco (Amsterdam)
- 1 Centraal Bond voor Inwendige Zending en Christelijk Maatschappelijk Werk
- 6 Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores
- 3 Centrale Arbeiders-Verzekerings- en Deposito-Bank ('s-Gravenhage)
- 10 Centre for Iranian Documentation and Research
- 1 Ceylon Mercantile, Industrial and General Workers Únion
- 1 Chakrabarti, Prafulla K.
- 4 Cineclub Vrijheidsfilms (Amsterdam)
- 25 Davidson, Steef
- 2 De Vlam
- 16 Diensten Internationale Arbeiders Samenwerking
- 36 Doeve, Eppo
- 1 Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand
- 1 Dorp, Kathinka van
- 1 Drees, Willem, Sr
- 2 Druk en Papier FNV
- 6 Duijn, Roel van
- 1 Dussel, Wim
- 1,529 Economische Voorlichtingsdienst (Den Haag)
- 1 El Sol Bouwbrigade Nicaragua (Utrecht) less ...
- Period
- 2 1066-1485
- 1 1200-1765
- 2 1288-1918
- 1 1400-1750
- 1 1478-1798
- 1 1533-1584 more ...
- 1 15th century
- 1 1600-1699
- 3 1600-1750
- 1 1600-1799
- 1 1600-1868
- 1 1600-1900
- 1 1625-1649
- 2 1644-1912
- 1 1644-1949
- 1 1675-1699
- 2 16th century
- 4 1700-1799
- 2 1700-1899
- 1 1722-1793
- 1 1750-1918
- 1 1759-1761
- 1 1760-1860
- 1 1765-1947
- 1 1766-1809
- 1 1766-1834
- 1 1769-1821
- 2 1770-1827
- 4 1771-1858
- 1 1775-1865
- 1 1777-1855
- 1 1782-1945
- 1 1783-1865
- 2 1788-1850
- 2 1789-1900
- 1 1790-1840
- 1 1791-1871
- 1 1792-1873
- 4 17th century
- 4 1800-1899
- 10 1800-1999
- 1 1801-1801
- 2 1801-1885
- 1 1802-1885
- 1 1805-1879
- 1 1806-1873
- 1 1809-1865
- 1 1815-1871
- 1 1815-1918
- 1 1817-1906 less ...
- Year of Publication