Showing 1 - 20
of 9,134
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- Remove Filters Year of Publication: 1992
- Format
- 1 Collection
- 1 Photo collection
- 36 audio cassette
- 1 audio tape
- 1 badge
- 3 banner more ...
- 2 button
- 1 catalogs
- 9 cd
- 1 cd (video cd)
- 1 cd-rom
- 2 comic strip
- 1 conference papers and proceedings
- 1 congresses
- 1 design
- 301 drawing
- 1 dvd
- 2 gelegenheidsuitgaven (vorm)
- 2 gramophone record
- 1 half-tone photo
- 2 history
- 7 montage
- 2 newspaper poster
- 3 object
- 1 painting
- 124 photo
- 32 picture postcard
- 394 poster
- 71 print
- 5 slide
- 6 small printed matter
- 1 sources
- 3 stamp
- 14 sticker
- 4 textile
- 49 video less ...
- Author
- 1 'Alam, Asadullah
- 1 Aaronovitch, Sam
- 1 Aarons, Mark
- 1 Abbas, Muhammad
- 1 Abed, Badi Yousef al-, 1947-
- 1 Abel, Annie Heloise more ...
- 1 Abella Bermejo, Rafael 1917-2008
- 1 Abels, Romana
- 1 Abmayr, Hermann G.
- 1 Abraham, Gary A.
- 1 Abrahams, Roger D.
- 1 Abramkin, Valerij Fedorovič
- 1 Abrams, Lynn
- 1 Abu Odeh, Adnan
- 1 Abu-Shokor, Abdel Fattah
- 1 Abugattas, Juan
- 1 Accornero, Aris
- 1 Achmatova, Anna Andreevna
- 1 Achterhuis, Hans
- 1 Ackerl, Isabella
- 1 Ackermann, Leonore
- 1 Acton, Edward 1949-
- 1 Adam, Armin
- 1 Adam, Heribert 1936-
- 1 Adamova-Sliozberg, Ol'ga L'vovna
- 1 Adamová, Karolina
- 1 Adams, Jad
- 1 Addleton, Jonathan S.
- 1 Adem, Elisea
- 1 Adema, Wineke F.C.
- 1 Adick, Christel
- 1 Adiv, Assaf
- 1 Adler, Benjamin Benno
- 1 Adler, Max
- 1 Adomoniene, Ona
- 4 Adriaans, J.H.
- 1 Aerden, Onno
- 1 Agabekov, Georgij S.
- 1 Agaev, D.
- 1 Agarwal, Anil
- 1 Agarwal, Shobha
- 1 Aghnami, Riza
- 1 Aguilar León, Luis
- 1 Aguilar, Liliana
- 1 Aguirre y Lecube, José Antonio de
- 1 Agulhon, Maurice
- 1 Ahlberg, René
- 1 Ahmad, Kamal Madhar
- 1 Ahmadi, Hamid
- 1 Ahmadi, Kasra less ...
- Language
- 1 Afrikaans
- 37 Arabic
- 75 Bengali
- 11 Bulgarian
- 9 Burmese
- 18 Catalan more ...
- 50 Chinese
- 106 Czech
- 8 Danish
- 1,445 Dutch
- 2,725 English
- 2 Estonian
- 1 Filipino
- 2 Finnish
- 728 French
- 1 Galician
- 1,802 German
- 7 Greek
- 11 Hebrew
- 6 Hungarian
- 21 Indonesian
- 44 Iranian
- 225 Italian
- 2 Japanese
- 1 Karen
- 1 Kazakh
- 1 Kru languages
- 29 Kurdish
- 4 Latin
- 1 Lithuanian
- 2 Macedonian
- 4 Malay
- 1 Marathi
- 4 Nepali
- 105 No linguistic content
- 1 Norwegian
- 27 Persian
- 1 Philippine
- 38 Polish
- 37 Portuguese
- 3 Romanian
- 477 Russian
- 2 Sinhala
- 6 Slovak
- 1 Slovenian
- 431 Spanish
- 4 Swahili
- 8 Swedish
- 9 Tagalog
- 5 Tamil less ...
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 14 AIDS
- 2 Abortion
- 1 Activité politique
- 1 Adivasis
- 1 Advertisement
- 2 Aged more ...
- 1 Agricultural development
- 2 Agricultural policy
- 1 Agricultural workers
- 2 Agriculture
- 2 Agriculture and state
- 7 Aircraft construction
- 5 Anarchism
- 1 Animal protection
- 1 Annexation
- 15 Anniversaries
- 2 Anti-capitalism
- 1 Anti-communism
- 5 Anti-fascism
- 1 Anti-globalism
- 7 Armed forces
- 1 Arms industry
- 2 Arms trade
- 9 Art
- 1 Artists
- 1 Ascètes
- 1 Aspect économique
- 1 Außenpolitik
- 3 Aviation
- 1 Beschäftigungsstruktur
- 65 Biographica
- 1 Books
- 1 Borough council elections
- 1 British
- 5 Buildings
- 1 Caravan-dwellers
- 223 Caricature
- 4 Children
- 4 Christian democracy
- 1 Chronology
- 2 Civil servants
- 1 Civil supremacy over the military
- 8 Civil wars
- 1 Civil-military relations
- 1 Cocoa trade
- 1 Colonial policy
- 5 Commemorations
- 1 Communism
- 1 Community centres
- 1 Concentration camps less ...
- Collector
- 5 AJC
- 3 ASVA
- 15 Aedes Vereniging van Woningcorporaties
- 1 All Burma Students' Democratic Front
- 44 Althans, Bernd Ewald more ...
- 16 Amnesty International
- 1 Andrés Edo, Luis
- 1 Azania Komitee (Rotterdam)
- 6 Behrendt, Fritz
- 1 Bollerman, J.B.J.
- 1 Bouvard, Marguerite Guzmán
- 36 Breman, Jan
- 10 Brongersma, Edward
- 1 Brouwer, Erik
- 1 Burma Peace Foundation
- 2 Bögelein, Gerhard
- 3 CIDR
- 1 CNV BedrijvenBond
- 27 Cebuco (Amsterdam)
- 1 Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores
- 3 Centrale Arbeiders-Verzekerings- en Deposito-Bank ('s-Gravenhage)
- 28 Centre for Iranian Documentation and Research
- 4 Comité Herdenking Februaristaking 1941
- 1 Creagh, Ronald
- 6 DHKC (Türkiye)
- 1 Dales, Ien
- 2 De Groene Amsterdammer
- 3 ENFB
- 1 European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (Brussels)
- 2 Evert Vermeer Stichting (Amsterdam)
- 3 FNV
- 1 Fabbri, Luce
- 2 Fahrner, Frank
- 1 Fontanillas Borrás, Antonia
- 1 Francia, Marlene C.
- 1 Froebel, Ernst
- 1 Gijsbers, H.
- 4 Gingold, Peter Philipp
- 1 Gootjes, Teo
- 21 Greenpeace International (Amsterdam)
- 10 Greenpeace Nederland
- 16 Harich, Wolfgang
- 3 Harmsen, Ger
- 2 Het Vrije Volk (Amsterdam)
- 1 Historisch Nieuwsblad
- 1 Hoogendijk, Willem
- 1 ID-Archiv (Amsterdam)
- 1 IJsselstein Mulder, Hans
- 16 ILO less ...
- Period
- 1 (1888-1956)
- 1 1066-1485
- 2 1451-1506
- 2 1483-1546
- 1 1511-1574
- 1 1533-1592 more ...
- 1 1550-?
- 1 1619-1688
- 1 1647-1706
- 1 1711-1776
- 2 1723-1790
- 1 1730-1795
- 1 1743-1794
- 1 1767-1835
- 1 1769-1821
- 1 1776-1841
- 1 1802-1885
- 1 1803-1844
- 1 1803-1875
- 3 1806-1856
- 1 1806-1873
- 1 1809-1898
- 1 1818-1881
- 1 1819-1893
- 1 1822-1897
- 1 1835-1919
- 1 1841-1893
- 1 1844-1900
- 1 1847-1933
- 2 1850-1932
- 1 1851-1910
- 1 1854-1929
- 2 1856-1918
- 1 1859-1947
- 1 1862-1946
- 5 1864-1920
- 1 1866-1929
- 2 1868-1935
- 1 1869-1958
- 1 1870-1919
- 1 1870-1926
- 1 1873-1922
- 1 1875-1899
- 1 1875-1933
- 1 1876-1924
- 1 1878-1934
- 2 1878-1944
- 1 1879-1904
- 1 1879-1925
- 1 1883-1942 less ...
- Year of Publication