Showing 1 - 20
of 11,762
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- Remove Filters Year of Publication: 1990
- Format
- 53 audio cassette
- 7 audio tape
- 3 badge
- 13 banner
- 2 button
- 2 calendar more ...
- 8 cd
- 1 cd-rom
- 1 comic strip
- 3 conference papers and proceedings
- 3 congresses
- 1 congrès
- 3 design
- 2 digital photo
- 502 drawing
- 3 dvd
- 1 envelope
- 1 film
- 1 flag
- 3 game
- 1 geschiedenis (vorm)
- 4 gramophone record
- 18 half-tone photo
- 2 history
- 16 map
- 19 montage
- 6 negative
- 5 newspaper poster
- 22 object
- 2 painting
- 2 paper money
- 475 photo
- 7 photocopy
- 84 picture postcard
- 2 plaquette
- 1 portrait
- 752 poster
- 220 print
- 1 sculpture
- 1 sheet of stickers
- 7 slide
- 48 small printed matter
- 11 stamp
- 77 sticker
- 1 still
- 19 textile
- 48 video less ...
- Author
- 1 'Aqili, Baqir
- 1 A Er Fei Lei De-Heng Nei Ke
- 1 A.D.
- 1 Aalders, Gerard 1946-
- 1 Aalders, Gertjan
- 1 Aalen, F.H.A. more ...
- 1 Abakay, Ahmet
- 1 Abano, Florence A.
- 1 Abdus Sattar, Sajidah
- 1 Abel, Elie 1920-2004
- 1 Abma, Ruud
- 1 Abosch, Heinz
- 1 Abouda, Mohand
- 1 Abramov, M.
- 1 Abu Ghanimah, Ziyad
- 1 Acevedo, Juan
- 1 Acharya, Sarthi
- 2 Achilles, Olaf
- 1 Achmetov, Alykul Džumanovič
- 1 Achmetov, Nizmetdin
- 1 Achten, Udo
- 1 Achterhuis, H.J.
- 1 Acker, Kathy
- 1 Ackerman, Susan E.
- 1 Ackroyd, Peter
- 1 Acs, Zoltan J.
- 1 Adams, Carol J.
- 1 Adams, Fiona
- 1 Adams, Gerry
- 1 Adams, Thomas McStay
- 1 Adeoye Lambo, T.
- 1 Adler, Hans-Gerd
- 1 Adnan, Shapan
- 1 Adžubej, Aleksej Ivanovič
- 1 Afruz, Afsanah
- 1 Aftalion, Florin
- 1 Agnoli, Johannes
- 1 Agricola, Georg
- 1 Agsteribbe, Muriël
- 1 Aguiar, César
- 1 Agulhon, Maurice
- 1 Agung, Ide Anak Agung Gde, 1921-1999
- 1 Agustin, Venerando L.
- 1 Ahmad Mokhtar Hj. Mohamad
- 1 Ahmad Muhammad, Isma'il
- 1 Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Tahir
- 1 Ahmad, Zulkifli
- 1 Ahmed, Feqir
- 1 Ahmed, Wakil
- 1 Ailko less ...
- Language
- 6 Afrikaans
- 7 Albanian
- 2 Amharic
- 37 Arabic
- 4 Basque
- 38 Bengali more ...
- 13 Bulgarian
- 19 Burmese
- 21 Catalan
- 99 Chinese
- 146 Czech
- 18 Danish
- 2,250 Dutch
- 2,791 English
- 1 Esperanto
- 2 Finnish
- 772 French
- 2,424 German
- 14 Greek
- 2 Haitian
- 12 Hebrew
- 3 Hindi
- 25 Hungarian
- 24 Indonesian
- 53 Iranian
- 201 Italian
- 1 Japanese
- 1 Karen
- 1 Korean
- 22 Kurdish
- 3 Latin
- 1 Latvian
- 1 Lithuanian
- 3 Malay
- 1 Marathi
- 1 Nepali
- 368 No linguistic content
- 5 Norwegian
- 28 Persian
- 68 Polish
- 49 Portuguese
- 6 Romanian
- 539 Russian
- 6 Sinhala
- 10 Slovak
- 3 Slovenian
- 568 Spanish
- 13 Swedish
- 18 Tagalog
- 4 Tamil less ...
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 1 15.75 history of Asia
- 10 AIDS
- 8 Abortion
- 12 Advertising
- 4 Aged
- 3 Agricultural policy more ...
- 5 Agricultural workers
- 3 Agriculture
- 3 Air pollution
- 1 Air-force
- 1 Allochtonen
- 1 Amsterdam
- 20 Anarchism
- 1 Anarcho-syndicalism
- 5 Animal protection
- 19 Anniversaries
- 1 Anti-Semitism
- 10 Anti-capitalism
- 16 Anti-communism
- 17 Anti-fascism
- 5 Anti-imperialism
- 1 Anti-socialism
- 1 Antiquities
- 1 Arbeidsomstandigheden
- 1 Arets, Wiel (1955- )
- 7 Armed forces
- 2 Arms industry
- 1 Arms trade
- 15 Art
- 1 Artists
- 1 Aspect économique
- 1 Atelier Pro
- 1 Ausländerrecht
- 1 Aviation
- 1 Bahai Faith
- 1 Banking
- 1 Bauer
- 1 Beggars
- 1 Berg aan de Maas
- 7 Bicycle
- 1 Binnenlandse politiek
- 205 Biographica
- 1 Biographica;
- 1 Boekel
- 4 Books
- 11 Border disputes
- 2 Borough council elections
- 1 Broadcasting
- 16 Buildings
- 1 Capital punishment less ...
- Collector
- 4 AJC
- 2 ASVA
- 18 Aedes Vereniging van Woningcorporaties
- 1 Agnoli, Johannes
- 2 All Burma Students' Democratic Front more ...
- 73 Althans, Bernd Ewald
- 25 Amnesty International
- 1 Amnesty International (Poland)
- 1 Amsberg, Kiki
- 1 Avot-Meyers, Pierre
- 1 Bacer, David Mironovič
- 17 Behrendt, Fritz
- 1 Berenguer, Sara
- 1 Beweging Weigering Defensiebelasting
- 39 Bouvard, Marguerite Guzmán
- 14 Braem, Martin
- 35 Breman, Jan
- 1 Brendel, Cajo
- 6 Brongersma, Edward
- 5 Brouwer, Erik
- 1 Burma Peace Foundation
- 1 CFO
- 5 CIDR
- 45 Cebuco (Amsterdam)
- 2 Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores
- 40 Centre for Iranian Documentation and Research
- 1 Cineclub Vrijheidsfilms (Amsterdam)
- 1 Committee for Asian Women (CAW)
- 1 Constandse, Anton L.
- 1 Cornelissen, Igor
- 1 Curiel, Henri
- 11 DHKC (Türkiye)
- 1 Dales, Ien
- 3 De Beer, David
- 13 De Groene Amsterdammer
- 1 De journalist (Amsterdam)
- 1 Dienst in de Industriële Samenleving vanwege de Kerken
- 1 Dorado Joaquina
- 1 Dorp, Kathinka van
- 1 Duijn, Roel van
- 2 Dussel, Wim
- 12 ENFB
- 2 ETUC
- 3 Economische Voorlichtingsdienst (Den Haag)
- 1 Eduardo Mondlane Stichting (Amsterdam)
- 1 El Sol Bouwbrigade Nicaragua (Utrecht)
- 1 European Bureau for Conscientious Objection (Brussels)
- 1 European Centre for Studies Information and Education on Pacific Issues (Zeist)
- 4 FNV less ...
- Period
- 1 -
- 1 (Frederik Willem)
- 1 1564-1642
- 1 1596-1687
- 1 1710-1749
- 2 1723-1790 more ...
- 1 1735-1810
- 1 1749-1791
- 1 1750-1803
- 1 1769-1821
- 1 1788-1869
- 1 1801-1876
- 1 1803-1844
- 1 1821-1881
- 1 1825-1849
- 1 1830-1905
- 1 1835-1882
- 1 1839-1871
- 4 1844-1900
- 1 1847-1933
- 2 1850-1874
- 1 1856-1918
- 1 1856-1939
- 1 1857-1935
- 1 1858-1940
- 1 1859-1909
- 1 1859-1917
- 1 1859-1938
- 1 1860-1932
- 1 1861-1896
- 3 1864-1920
- 1 1866-1925
- 1 1868-1912
- 3 1868-1916
- 1 1869-1930
- 1 1869-1952
- 1 1870-1919
- 2 1873-1920
- 1 1873-1928
- 3 1875-1899
- 1 1875-1933
- 1 1877-1931
- 1 1877-1941
- 2 1878-1934
- 2 1881-1938
- 1 1883-1938
- 1 1883-1950
- 1 1884-1973
- 1 1886-1964
- 1 1886-1968 less ...
- Year of Publication