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- Remove Filters Year of Publication: 1900
- Format
- 1 books
- 2 charter
- 8 design
- 63 drawing
- 28 half-tone photo
- 1 history more ...
- 1 map
- 1 maps
- 3 negative
- 4 painting
- 190 photo
- 20 picture postcard
- 14 poster
- 95 print
- 1 slide
- 6 small printed matter
- 4 stamp
- 3 statistics
- 2 statistiques less ...
- Author
- 1 ???, Robert
- 2 A.P.
- 1 Abbot, S.W.
- 1 Abderrahman Ben Abdallah Ben "Imran Ben" Amir Es-Sa'di
- 1 Ackland, Thomas G.
- 1 Adama van Scheltema, Carel Steven more ...
- 1 Adams, Charles Francis
- 1 Adams, Francis William Lauderdale
- 1 Adams, Herbert B.
- 1 Adamsohn
- 1 Adan, H.
- 1 Adickes, Franz
- 2 Adler, Georg
- 1 Adler, Paul
- 1 Adriani, N. 1865-1926
- 1 Agresti, A.
- 1 Aguinaldo, Emilio 1869-1964
- 2 Aksel'rod, Pavel Borisovič
- 1 Albanel, Louis
- 1 Albert, C[harles]
- 1 Albert~I.
- 1 Albrecht, Heinrich
- 1 Albrecht, Richard
- 1 Alico, Barbara
- 1 Alin, Oscar
- 1 Allaert, P.
- 1 Allan, D.G.C.
- 1 Allebé, August
- 1 Allen, Edward Ellis
- 1 Allen, Grant
- 1 Allen, M.M.
- 2 Alphonse, F.J.P. d'
- 1 Altaïr
- 1 Altenburger, J.
- 1 Ambrosio, A[ngelo] d'
- 2 Amicis, Edmondo de
- 1 Ammon, O[tto]
- 1 Amnéus, G.
- 1 Andreev, Leonid Nikolaevič
- 1 Anema, Anne
- 1 Angiolini, Alfredo
- 1 Anméghian, Pierre
- 1 Aristophanes, 445-385 voor Chr
- 1 Arndt, Rudolf
- 1 Arnold, Carl F.
- 1 Arnold, Robert F.
- 1 Arnold, T. George
- 1 Arreguine, Victor
- 1 Ascher, Maurice
- 1 Aschrott, P.F. less ...
- Language
- 2 Catalan
- 4 Celtic
- 7 Croatian
- 10 Czech
- 2 Danish
- 523 Dutch more ...
- 350 English
- 456 French
- 442 German
- 1 Greek
- 3 Hungarian
- 1 Indic
- 1 Indonesian
- 49 Italian
- 1 Javanese
- 7 Latin
- 5 Lithuanian
- 185 No linguistic content
- 1 Norwegian
- 1 Polish
- 4 Portuguese
- 3 Romanian
- 81 Russian
- 1 Sanskrit
- 13 Spanish
- 3 Swedish
- 1,261 Undetermined
- 5 Western Frisian
- 22 Yiddish less ...
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 1 15.50 general world history; history of great parts of the world, peoples, civilizations: general
- 1 21.70 religious architecture
- 2 74.21 geography of Asia
- 7 Acts of war
- 2 Advertisement
- 3 Agriculture more ...
- 1 Anarchism
- 2 Anniversaries
- 1 Anti-capitalism
- 1 Anti-clericalism
- 1 Antiquities
- 11 Art
- 1 Bakeries
- 1 Bakers
- 4 Basket-makers
- 1 Beverage industry
- 17 Biographica
- 3 Books
- 1 Borobudur
- 3 Buildings
- 1 Cacoa
- 3 Care for the aged
- 45 Caricature
- 1 Cattle-breeders
- 1 Cattle-breeding
- 6 Ceramics industry
- 37 Child labour
- 3 Children
- 3 Cigarmakers
- 2 Clothing industry
- 1 Coal
- 1 Coffee
- 1 Colonies
- 5 Commerce
- 2 Commerce international
- 1 Communities
- 2 Compulsory education
- 1 Conditions sociales
- 2 Description and travel
- 2 Descriptions et voyages
- 2 Diamond industry
- 1 Diamond workers
- 2 Disablement insurance
- 1 Dock-workers
- 3 Docks
- 13 Double portrait
- 1 Education
- 1 Een maandschrift voor litteratuur en kunst onder redactie van Eduard Verburgh
- 1 Etnografie
- 1 Exhibitions less ...
- Collector
- 2 ANDB
- 1 Adama van Scheltema-Kleefstra, Anna Catharina
- 1 Aedes Vereniging van Woningcorporaties
- 1 Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeyter Bund
- 1 Althans, Bernd Ewald
- 1 Association pour la Conservation des Valeurs Culturelles Russes more ...
- 1 Bacer, David Mironovič
- 1 Bebel, August
- 1 Bernstein, Eduard
- 1 Brongersma, Edward
- 1 Bruijn, Cor
- 2 Brupbacher, Fritz
- 27 C.W. Daniel Company (Ashingdon)
- 1 Cauer, Minna
- 1 Cornelissen, Christiaan
- 1 Dietz, Johann Heinrich Wilhelm
- 3 Economische Voorlichtingsdienst (Den Haag)
- 1 Fabbri, Luce
- 3 Fedeli, Ugo
- 1 Fléchine, Senya
- 1 Fontanillas Borrás, Antonia
- 2 Fresco-Kautsky, Edith J.
- 1 Goes, Frank van der
- 1 Grondijs, Louis Hermen
- 1 Guillaume, James
- 49 Hahn, Albert
- 1 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 3 Ham, Dirk J. van
- 7 Hamon, Augustin Frédéric Adolphe
- 10 Harich, Wolfgang
- 1 Het Vrije Volk (Amsterdam)
- 3 Horreüs de Haas, G.
- 2 Humbert, Eugène
- 13 Kashnor, Leon
- 6 Kautsky, Karl
- 2 Kol, Henri Hubert van
- 4 Kommers, J.
- 1 Kool, F.
- 1 Liebknecht, Karl
- 3 Mansholt, Sicco Leendert
- 1 Marin, Eugene Gaspard
- 1 Mazirel, Laura C.
- 3 Meijer-Wichmann, Clara
- 1 Mr. A. de Graaf Stichting (Amsterdam)
- 1 NIA (Amsterdam)
- 3 Nabrink, Gé
- 1 Nacht, Max
- 8 Nationale Raad voor Maatschappelijk Welzijn
- 1 Nederlands Instituut voor het Bank- en Effectenbedrijf (Amsterdam)
- 5 Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief (Amsterdam) less ...
- Period
- 2 (Frederik Willem)
- 1 1553-1610
- 1 1638-1715
- 1 1724-1804
- 1 1737-1809
- 1 1762-1814 more ...
- 6 1769-1821
- 2 1769-1852
- 3 1771-1858
- 1 1784-1842
- 1 1788-1856
- 1 1802-1885
- 1 1809-1898
- 1 1810-1874
- 1 1817-1884
- 1 1819-1892
- 1 1822-1893
- 1 1823-1913
- 6 1826-1900
- 1 1830-1903
- 2 1830-1905
- 1 1831-1891
- 1 1834-1919
- 2 1835-1909
- 8 1836-1914
- 1 1837-1914
- 1 1839-1897
- 1 1842-1904
- 2 1844-1900
- 1 1849-1900
- 6 1850-1932
- 2 1851-1910
- 3 1852-1925
- 3 1853-1902
- 1 1854-1922
- 1 1854-1929
- 1 1854-1932
- 1 1854-1939
- 2 1856-1918
- 1 1858-1913
- 1 1858-1928
- 1 1860-1931
- 2 1860-1932
- 1 1861-1927
- 1 1865-1911
- 1 1869-1901
- 1 1869-1952
- 1 1871-1919
- 1 1872-1894
- 5 1875-1899 less ...
- Year of Publication