Showing 1 - 20
of 4,204
for search: '',
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Narrow Search
- Remove Filters Format: negative
- 4,204 Visual Documents
- Format
- 56 Collection
- 55 Photo collection
- 1 Poster collection
- 9 album
- 5 calendar
- 6 design more ...
- 4 drawing
- 1 ex libris
- 5 game
- 2 gramophone record
- 1 medal
- 6 montage negative
- 1 object
- 7 painting
- 3 paper money
- 727 photo
- 1 picture postcard
- 2 plaquette
- 12 poster
- 1 print
- 4 slide
- 2 textile less ...
- Author
- 3 Ailko
- 2 Baer, J.
- 1 Banning, Willem
- 1 Boersma, Pieter
- 1 Bom, Elly
- 1 Bouvard, Marguerite Guzmán more ...
- 1 Brendel, Cajo
- 2 Breugel, Hans van
- 1 Constandse, Anton L.
- 2 Cornelissen, I.
- 1 Dorp, Kathinka van
- 1 Drenthen, Joh
- 424 Dussel, Wim
- 1 Eickholt, Fons
- 1 Francia, Marlene C.
- 1 Goude, Helena
- 1 Grootveld, Robert Jasper 1932-2009
- 3,400 Haas, Joh. de
- 1 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 1 Hering, Bob Berthy
- 1 Hertz, Paul
- 1 Inanç, H.
- 1 Jeuken, Piet
- 1 Kafak
- 16 Ko Htein Win
- 22 Koers, Ab
- 1 Kraaivanger, Hubert
- 1 Krasin, Leonid Borisovič, 1870-1926
- 1 Kıvılcımlı, Hikmet 1902-1971
- 1 Leeuwenhoek, Antonie van 1632-1723
- 1 Linden, Johannes Jacobus van der
- 1 Lowe, Martyn
- 1 Martínez Guerricabeitia, José
- 76 Meerendonk, Ben van
- 1 Meijer, Jo
- 14 Metz, Rob
- 1 Myo Win
- 5 Opland
- 1 Piromalli, Aldo 1946-
- 1 Ponstijn, Jan
- 1 Presser, Sem
- 1 Rademaker, Frans
- 1 Rubinstein, Nina, 1908-1996
- 1 Santen, Aimé van, 1917-1988
- 1 Scheuer, Georg
- 1 Sik, Toma
- 1 Than Aye
- 1 Theunissen, Claudia
- 1 Veenstra, Mieke
- 1 Verwey-Jonker, Hilda less ...
- Language
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 1 Abortion
- 1 Acts of war
- 3 Advertising
- 24 Aged
- 18 Agriculture
- 1 Air pollution more ...
- 1 Aircraft construction
- 1 Animal protection
- 26 Anniversaries
- 17 Armed forces
- 8 Art
- 3 Auctions
- 1 Automation
- 10 Aviation
- 5 Bakeries
- 2 Bakers
- 10 Banking
- 1 Bedouin
- 5 Beer breweries
- 10 Bicycle
- 5 Bicycle repairers
- 32 Biographica
- 2 Biological evolution
- 2 Body care products
- 3 Books
- 1 Bread
- 4 Brick making
- 75 Building industry
- 1 Building materials industry
- 12 Building workers
- 188 Buildings
- 1 Butcher's shops
- 3 Camping grounds
- 3 Car demolition yards
- 2 Car garages
- 1 Car industry
- 4 Car mechanics
- 3 Car trade
- 2 Caravan-dwellers
- 12 Care for the aged
- 5 Caricature
- 1 Carnival
- 1 Cattle-breeders
- 8 Cattle-breeding
- 1 Ceramics industry
- 12 Chemical industry
- 2 Child care
- 35 Children
- 7 Chinese
- 1 Christianity less ...
- Collector
- 6 AJC
- 3 Aidit, Sobron
- 1 All Burma Students' Democratic Front
- 1 Amnesty International
- 1 Amsterdamsche Vereeniging tot Instandhouding van Kinderbewaarplaatsen
- 3 Avot-Meyers, Pierre more ...
- 1 Banning, Willem
- 1 Bosshard, Antonia
- 1 Bouvard, Marguerite Guzmán
- 1 Brendel, Cajo
- 1 Burma Independent News Agency
- 2 Canale, Dario
- 1 Cauer, Minna
- 1 Centrale Arbeiders-Verzekerings- en Deposito-Bank ('s-Gravenhage)
- 2 Comité Herdenking Februaristaking 1941
- 1 Constandse, Anton L.
- 2 Cornelissen, Igor
- 4 Democratic Alliance of Burma
- 1 Dorp, Kathinka van
- 1 Drenthen, Joh
- 425 Dussel, Wim
- 1 Eduardo Mondlane Stichting (Amsterdam)
- 1 Eickholt, Fons
- 1 Ekspress-Chronika
- 1 Erkelens, Jaap
- 65 FNV
- 1 Federación Anarquista Ibérica
- 1 Francia, Marlene C.
- 1 Froebel, Ernst
- 1 Goldwasser, Ira
- 22 Grondijs, Louis Hermen
- 1 Grootveld, Robert Jasper
- 1 Gül, Turan
- 1 HTIB
- 1 Haarlems Dagblad
- 3,320 Haas, Joh. De
- 3 Harmsen, Ger
- 4 Henri Polak Stichting
- 1 Hering, Bob Berthy
- 1 Hertz, Paul
- 1 Inanç, H.
- 1 Industrie- en Voedingsbond CNV
- 1 Information pour les droits du soldat (Paris)
- 1 International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations
- 2 J'accuse
- 1 Jong, Karel H.E. de
- 1 Karenni National Progressive Party (Burma)
- 1 Kivilcimli, Hikmet
- 15 Koers, Ab
- 1 Kohnstamm, Max less ...
- Period
- 1 1674-1700
- 1 1793-1846
- 1 1801-1876
- 4 1847-1925
- 1 1855-1898
- 1 1870-1950 more ...
- 2 1875-1899
- 1 1880-1962
- 1 1883-1942
- 1 1885-1965
- 2 1887-1964
- 6 1900-1924
- 2 1903-1903
- 1 1909-1909
- 1 1913-1913
- 1 1914-1915
- 1 1916-1916
- 1 1917-1920
- 9 1919-1919
- 1 1919-1924
- 1 1920-1975
- 1 1921-1921
- 1 1921-1990
- 1 1925-1925
- 41 1925-1949
- 1 1925-2006
- 1 1928-2007
- 1 1928-2018
- 1 1929-1929
- 1 1930-1930
- 4 1930-1932
- 1 1930-1934
- 2 1931-1931
- 2 1932-1932
- 2 1933-1933
- 1 1933-1936
- 1 1934-1934
- 6 1935-1935
- 1 1935-1939
- 1 1935-1988
- 34 1936-1936
- 2 1936-1939
- 31 1937-1937
- 2 1937-1939
- 95 1938-1938
- 179 1939-1939
- 1 1940-
- 99 1940-1940
- 1 1940-1944
- 1 1940-1946 less ...
- Year of Publication