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- Remove Filters Period: 1935-1935
- Format
- 1 Collection
- 1 Poster collection
- 10 admission ticket
- 2 album
- 2 badge
- 1 banner more ...
- 3 button
- 1 design
- 1 digital photo
- 87 drawing
- 1 dvd
- 20 half-tone photo
- 12 leaflet
- 1 membership card
- 4 montage
- 6 negative
- 3 object
- 1 painting
- 289 photo
- 3 photocopy
- 3 picture postcard
- 146 poster
- 255 print
- 20 small printed matter
- 4 stamp
- 10 sticker less ...
- Author
- 1 Alexandre, P.R.
- 2 Angelbeek, C.A.J. van
- 4 B.J.
- 1 Blagaja
- 4 Bleekrode, Meijer 1896-1943
- 4 Bn more ...
- 91 Bottema, Tjerk
- 1 Broos, Dick
- 1 Buys, Bob
- 11 Cohen, Fré 1903-1943
- 1 Denijs, Job
- 3 Dobbenburgh, Aart van 1899-1988
- 2 Doeve, Eppo
- 1 E.K.
- 1 Eilers, Bern. F.
- 3 Fortuin, W.
- 1 Funke Küpper, Albert
- 1 Galema, Arjen
- 1 Grandjouan, Jules
- 8 Haas, Joh. de
- 1 Haas, Nico de
- 1 Habold, Jaap
- 3 Hael
- 107 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 1 Hart, Dirk
- 1 Hofker, C.J.
- 1 Ignatovič
- 1 Kijser, Henk
- 1 Lavies, Jan
- 1 Lehning-Kuipers, Madeleine
- 1 M.S.
- 1 Melle
- 1 Moerkerk, Herman 1879-1949
- 1 Mooiman, Jan
- 1 Paterson, J. Phillips
- 1 Paustovskij, Konstantin Georgievič
- 1 Pollux
- 1 Popov
- 1 Raemaekers, Louis
- 78 Raemdonck, Georges van
- 1 Ravensberg, Herman van
- 29 Reen, Peter van
- 1 Reismann
- 1 Roland
- 4 Rot, Jan
- 1 Rovers, Jos
- 12 Ru, Huib de
- 1 Schmidt, G.
- 1 Schröder, Werner
- 2 Seghers, W. less ...
- Language
- 1 Chinese
- 368 Dutch
- 1 French
- 9 German
- 276 No linguistic content
- 2 Russian more ...
- 1 Spanish
- 194 Undetermined less ...
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 3 Acts of war
- 3 Advertising
- 2 Agricultural policy
- 4 Agricultural workers
- 9 Agriculture
- 1 Air-force more ...
- 1 Annexation
- 11 Anniversaries
- 9 Anti-Semitism
- 1 Anti-communism
- 6 Anti-fascism
- 1 Anti-socialism
- 6 Armed forces
- 3 Arms industry
- 2 Arms trade
- 1 Art
- 2 Artists
- 96 Biographica
- 1 Black emancipation
- 2 Border disputes
- 2 Building industry
- 2 Building workers
- 14 Buildings
- 3 Capital punishment
- 151 Caricature
- 1 Carnival
- 2 Cattle-breeding
- 3 Censorship
- 6 Children
- 7 Chinese
- 1 Christian parties
- 2 Civil engineering
- 3 Civil servants
- 2 Civil wars
- 1 Clothes
- 3 Clothing industry
- 3 Co-operatives
- 5 Colonial policy
- 3 Communism
- 2 Communities
- 1 Concentration camps
- 1 Conscientious objection
- 1 Conscription
- 2 Coups d'etat
- 1 Criminal law
- 3 Criminality
- 1 Culture
- 1 Culture policy
- 1 Dairy products
- 2 Defence policy less ...
- Collector
- 14 AJC
- 2 Arbeiderspers (Amsterdam)
- 1 Bakker, Piet
- 3 Banning, Willem
- 4 Boeke, Kees more ...
- 16 Braunthal, Julius
- 27 Diepenhorst, C.A.M.
- 2 Doeve, Eppo
- 1 Eriks, Jannie
- 1 Fontanillas Borrás, Antonia
- 1 Goldman, Emma
- 1 Grootveld, Robert Jasper
- 4 Haas, Joh. De
- 1 Habold, Jaap
- 54 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 12 Het Vrije Volk (Amsterdam)
- 1 Hotz, Charles
- 2 Industrie- en Voedingsbond CNV
- 1 Morriën, Joop
- 1 Muijzenberg-Willemse, Brecht van den
- 1 NAS
- 4 Nederlandse Jeugdherberg Centrale
- 1 Nederlandse Reisvereniging ('s-Gravenhage)
- 1 Pinxteren, G. v
- 4 Ploeg, H., Jr
- 2 Poppe, Stan
- 2 Pront, J.
- 58 Roelfsema-van der Wissel, H.G.
- 2 Rose, Cornelis
- 16 SDAP
- 1 Santen, Sal
- 11 Sijes, Benjamin Aäron
- 1 Sneevliet Herdenkingscomité
- 1 Stem des Volks (Amsterdam)
- 1 Vakbondshistorische Vereniging (Amsterdam)
- 1 Vogt, Franz
- 4 Vrijdenkersvereniging "De Dageraad"
- 3 Waarheid, De (Amsterdam)
- 3 Wiedijk, C.H.
- 2 Wijk, Hein van
- 1 Woodbrookers (Barchem) less ...
- Period
- 1 1798-1872
- 2 1852-1925
- 5 1869-1941
- 1 1869-1952
- 2 1869-1958
- 1 1870-1950 more ...
- 1 1871-1919
- 1 1872-1953
- 2 1874-1957
- 7 1877-1957
- 2 1880-1962
- 1 1883-1942
- 1 1883-1963
- 1 1885-1965
- 1 1887-1954
- 1 1889-1984
- 4 1891-1955
- 3 1891-1970
- 1 1899-2000
- 2 1903-1972
- 1 1925-1949
- 1 1932-2009 1935-1935
- 6 1950-1974
- 6 1975-1999 less ...
- Year of Publication