Showing 1 - 20
of 887
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- Remove Filters Period: 1924-1924
- 887 Visual Documents
- Format
- Author
- 1 Alma, Peter, 1886-1969
- 3 Angeluscheff, Boris
- 2 Bauer, Theo
- 1 Benzig, G.
- 1 Bijnevelt, J.W.
- 1 Bonnet, P.C.E. more ...
- 32 Bottema, Tjerk
- 57 Braakensiek, Johan
- 1 Braun, M.
- 2 Brusse, Alb.J.
- 1 C.H.S.
- 1 Cay, A.M.
- 1 Claus
- 5 Cohen, Fré 1903-1943
- 1 De Champs, G.
- 3 Denijs, Job
- 3 Derré, Emile
- 1 Diebow
- 1 Dratz, C.
- 1 Dudovich, M.
- 1 Ellis, Fred
- 1 Ello
- 1 Eyjolfsson
- 2 Feri, [...]
- 1 Franswa, G.
- 2 Frejdkes, M.
- 3 Frenzel
- 1 Furnivall
- 5 Grandjouan, Jules
- 1 Griffel, L.
- 1 Grosz, George
- 2 Growald, Martin
- 101 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 1 Hem, Piet van der
- 1 Herweg, Sander
- 1 Hiller
- 1 Holtz, Karl
- 1 Izenberg, V.
- 1 J.B.
- 1 Jac
- 83 Jordaan, L.J.
- 3 Jullien, F.H.
- 2 Jürgens
- 5 Kirchbach, Fritz G.
- 2 Klein
- 3 Koch, Fritz
- 5 Kollwitz, Käthe 1867-1945
- 1 Kray, Hein
- 1 Krieg
- 1 Kámelhard less ...
- Language
- 370 Dutch
- 1 French
- 31 German
- 183 No linguistic content
- 1 Polish
- 7 Russian more ...
- 294 Undetermined less ...
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 2 Abortion
- 1 Acts of war
- 1 Agriculture
- 1 Animal protection
- 8 Anniversaries
- 3 Anti-capitalism more ...
- 2 Anti-fascism
- 4 Anti-parliamentarism
- 7 Armed forces
- 1 Aviation
- 69 Biographica
- 1 Books
- 1 Building industry
- 1 Buildings
- 1 Capital punishment
- 157 Caricature
- 11 Chemical weapons
- 2 Child care
- 1 Children
- 2 Christianity
- 13 Civil servants
- 2 Co-operatives
- 1 Coffee
- 2 Collections
- 1 Collective labour agreement
- 3 Colonial policy
- 1 Commemorations
- 4 Communism
- 2 Conscientious objection
- 1 Conservatism
- 1 Constitutional law
- 1 Culture policy
- 2 Dagblad voor de arbeiderspartij voor 's-Gravenhage, Leiden en omgeving
- 4 Dance
- 1 Daylight-saving time
- 32 Defence policy
- 1 Democracy
- 1 Denominational trade union movement
- 3 Devaluation
- 2 Development
- 1 Dismissals
- 7 Docks
- 2 Double portrait
- 3 Economic relations
- 1 Economy
- 6 Education
- 11 Education policy
- 23 Elections
- 4 Employment conditions
- 1 Energy prices less ...
- Collector
- 1 AJC
- 1 Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeyter Bund
- 1 Banning, Willem
- 1 Bot, Wim
- 1 Brongersma, Edward more ...
- 1 CNT (España)
- 5 Diepenhorst, C.A.M.
- 1 Editions Marcel Riviere (Paris)
- 3 Eriks, Jannie
- 1 Gerhard, A.H. (Adriaan)
- 3 Grondijs, Louis Hermen
- 51 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 3 Het Vrije Volk (Amsterdam)
- 1 Hilvers, Jan
- 1 Hugenholtz, J.B.Th
- 1 Industrie- en Voedingsbond CNV
- 3 Kol, Henri Hubert van
- 1 Kuiper, Frits
- 1 Ploeg, H., Jr
- 4 Ramus, Pierre
- 1 Ree, Erik van
- 1 SDAP
- 1 SPD
- 4 Schmidt, Heiko
- 1 Sneevliet, Henk
- 1 Sozialistische Jugend-Internationale
- 1 Vakbondshistorische Vereniging (Amsterdam)
- 1 Van Gennep (Amsterdam)
- 1 Verwey-Jonker, Hilda
- 2 Vrijdenkersvereniging "De Dageraad"
- 1 Weber, August Lodewijk
- 1 Wiedijk, C.H.
- 2 Zutphen, Jan van less ...
- Period
- 2 1694-1751
- 1 1850-1932
- 2 1852-1925
- 3 1852-1928
- 1 1854-1926
- 7 1858-1948 more ...
- 2 1859-1947
- 4 1860-1931
- 2 1864-1937
- 1 1865-1951
- 1 1868-1946
- 2 1869-1930
- 1 1870-1938
- 2 1870-1950
- 1 1871-1956
- 4 1872-1957
- 3 1875-1940
- 3 1877-1941
- 4 1877-1957
- 1 1878-1953
- 5 1880-1943
- 1 1880-1949
- 1 1880-1963
- 1 1881-1938
- 2 1881-1963
- 1 1883-1938
- 1 1883-1942
- 2 1885-1965
- 1 1886-1956
- 1 1891-1952
- 2 1891-1955
- 1 1891-1970 1924-1924
- 1 1925-1926
- 1 1925-1928
- 1 1925-1929
- 1 1930-1935 less ...
- Year of Publication