Showing 1 - 20
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- Remove Filters Period: 1919-1919
- Format
- 1 album
- 1 audio cassette
- 2 banner
- 52 drawing
- 1 dvd
- 4 gramophone record more ...
- 89 half-tone photo
- 7 leaflet
- 1 montage
- 9 negative
- 4 object
- 163 photo
- 3 photocopy
- 75 picture postcard
- 259 poster
- 424 print
- 4 small printed matter
- 8 stamp
- 3 sticker
- 1 still less ...
- Author
- 6 Apsit, Aleksandr
- 2 Aranyosy, Gusztáv
- 2 Arnaud, Victor
- 1 Bergh, ... v.d
- 1 Beringer, Jo
- 5 Berény, Robert more ...
- 3 Biró, Mihály
- 2 Blik, J.
- 105 Bottema, Tjerk
- 58 Braakensiek, Johan
- 1 Braemer, W.
- 1 Brandon, I.
- 1 Busse, Roman
- 2 Cay, A.M.
- 10 Daenens, A.
- 5 Dankó, Ödön
- 1 Deni, Viktor Nikolaevič
- 2 Deni, Viktor Nikolaevič 1893-1946
- 1 Deutmann, H.
- 1 F.B.
- 1 Feld, Rudi
- 1 Feldtmann, Hugo
- 2 Fidman, Vladimir
- 1 Franke
- 2 Frata
- 1 Földes
- 1 Földes, Imre
- 1 Giercke, W.
- 1 Gipkens, Julius
- 4 Gircke, W.
- 1 Glatzel
- 1 Gross, Otto Hans Adolf 1877-1920
- 1 Grossmann
- 6 Grosz, George
- 1 Growald, Martin
- 1 H.M.P.
- 1 Haas, C. de
- 1 Hachez, Karl
- 3 Haeckel, Otto
- 1 Hahn, Albert
- 39 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 1 Hauffe, Richard
- 1 Heartfield, John
- 1 Heling, Robert
- 1 Helling, Robert
- 1 Helwig, Paul
- 1 Herkendell, Hanns
- 1 Hofker, C.J.
- 1 Horrmeijer
- 1 Horrmeyer less ...
- Language
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 9 Acts of war
- 2 Anarchism
- 3 Annexation
- 15 Anniversaries
- 1 Anti-Revolutionair dagblad voor Nederland
- 1 Anti-Semitism more ...
- 3 Anti-capitalism
- 3 Anti-clericalism
- 1 Anti-communism
- 1 Anti-imperialism
- 2 Anti-parliamentarism
- 8 Armed forces
- 1 Arms industry
- 1 Art
- 1 Artists
- 2 Aviation
- 1 Berliner Volksblatt
- 41 Biographica
- 21 Border disputes
- 5 Buildings
- 5 Capitalism
- 175 Caricature
- 5 Censorship
- 2 Chemical industry
- 1 Children
- 18 Civil defence
- 4 Civil servants
- 2 Civil wars
- 1 Clergy
- 1 Closing-down of companies
- 1 Clothes
- 1 Colonial policy
- 33 Commemorations
- 38 Communism
- 1 Conscription
- 1 Coups d'etat
- 1 Culture
- 3 Culture policy
- 2 Daylight-saving time
- 14 Defence policy
- 1 Defence works
- 12 Diamond industry
- 1 Diamond workers
- 3 Disablement insurance
- 1 Dismissals
- 6 Distribution
- 5 Double portrait
- 1 Economic policy
- 3 Economy
- 2 Education less ...
- Collector
- 6 ANDB
- 1 Arar, İsmail Hakki
- 1 Banning, Willem
- 1 Bouw- en Houtbond FNV
- 1 Brendel, Cajo
- 3 CNV more ...
- 1 Chung Hwa Hui
- 7 Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand
- 1 Faas, Henry
- 13 Grondijs, Louis Hermen
- 1 HTIB
- 13 Hahn, Albert, Jr
- 2 Hamon, Augustin Frédéric Adolphe
- 1 Harmsen, Ger
- 6 Het Vrije Volk (Amsterdam)
- 2 Hilvers, Jan
- 1 Hugenholtz, J.B.Th
- 1 Industrie- en Voedingsbond CNV
- 1 Industriebond FNV
- 5 Kautsky, Karl
- 1 Kovalov
- 1 Meijer-Wichmann, Clara
- 3 Meyboom, F.
- 1 Nettlau, Max
- 1 Pankhurst, Estelle Sylvia
- 7 Perthus, Max
- 2 Ramus, Pierre
- 1 Ree, Erik van
- 1 Rot, Jan
- 5 SPD
- 3 Santen, Sal
- 1 Schaper, J.H.
- 12 Schmidt, Heiko
- 1 Thalmann, Paul
- 3 Vakbondshistorische Vereniging (Amsterdam)
- 1 Vrijdenkersvereniging "De Dageraad"
- 1 Zutphen, Jan van less ...
- Period
- 1 1607-1676
- 1 1617-1678
- 3 1798-1872
- 1 1826-1900
- 1 1835-1919
- 1 1850-1932 more ...
- 2 1852-1925
- 2 1854-1929
- 3 1858-1948
- 2 1859-1937
- 2 1860-1931
- 1 1861-1939
- 1 1862-1945
- 3 1867-1919
- 1 1868-1946
- 1 1869-1958
- 1 1870-1919
- 2 1870-1950
- 9 1871-1919
- 3 1873-1920
- 1 1873-1923
- 1 1875-1930
- 1 1875-1940
- 3 1877-1941
- 2 1877-1957
- 3 1880-1943
- 2 1880-1962
- 1 1881-1938
- 1 1884-1968
- 1 1900-1924 1919-1919
- 1 1925-1949 less ...
- Year of Publication