Showing 1 - 20
of 602
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- Remove Filters Period: 1907-1907
- 602 Visual Documents
- Format
- 3 banner
- 1 design
- 264 drawing
- 59 half-tone photo
- 1 object
- 38 photo more ...
- 2 photocopy
- 24 picture postcard
- 16 poster
- 211 print
- 4 small printed matter
- 1 stamp
- 1 sticker less ...
- Author
- 43 Braakensiek, Johan
- 1 Bulla, K.K.
- 1 Couturier
- 1 Crane, Walter
- 1 F.
- 3 Geldorp, Petrus J.A.C. van more ...
- 1 Grandjouan, Jules
- 393 Hahn, Albert
- 1 Hahn, Albert, tekenaar
- 2 J.S.
- 2 Jordaan, L.J.
- 1 Langfier, Adolph
- 5 Leenheer, Corn
- 1 Makkink, J.W.J.
- 2 Mandrillon, L.
- 1 Pezaro, L.
- 21 Raemaekers, Louis
- 1 Rinke, Jan
- 1 Roland Holst, Richard Nicolaüs
- 1 Schnabel
- 1 Sortini
- 1 Waron, A.
- 1 Wilson, David less ...
- Language
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 3 Anarchism
- 1 Anniversaries
- 1 Anti-Revolutionair dagblad voor Nederland
- 3 Anti-socialism
- 1 Aviation
- 3 Bakeries more ...
- 19 Biographica
- 1 Birth control
- 5 Buildings
- 1 Camping grounds
- 6 Capitalism
- 210 Caricature
- 2 Carnival
- 2 Child labour
- 6 Children
- 2 Christianity
- 1 Co-operatives
- 4 Colonial policy
- 3 Commemorations
- 1 Communities
- 3 Constitutions
- 1 Criminality
- 1 Dance
- 6 Defence policy
- 1 Diplomats
- 12 Docks
- 4 Double portrait
- 4 Economic crises
- 11 Elections
- 3 Exile
- 1 Farmers
- 1 Food shortage
- 1 Foreign policy
- 8 Foreign relations
- 2 Freedom of association
- 11 General elections
- 4 Government policy
- 11 Governments
- 43 Group portrait
- 1 Housing
- 2 Human rights
- 1 Jews
- 4 Jurisdiction
- 2 Labour agreements
- 2 Liberalism
- 2 Living conditions
- 8 Local elections
- 2 Local politics
- 1 Machine building industry
- 5 Members of parliament less ...
- Collector
- 1 ANDB
- 1 Adler, Victor
- 1 Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeyter Bund
- 1 Banning, Willem
- 3 Brupbacher, Fritz
- 1 Denis, Hector more ...
- 15 Domela Nieuwenhuis, Ferdinand
- 2 Faas, Henry
- 259 Hahn, Albert
- 3 Humbert, Eugène
- 2 Kautsky, Karl
- 1 Kol, Henri Hubert van
- 1 Meijer-Wichmann, Clara
- 1 Pankhurst, Estelle Sylvia
- 2 SPD
- 1 Schmidt, Heiko
- 1 Wibaut, Florentinus Marinus
- 2 Zutphen, Jan van less ...
- Period
- 3 (Frederik Willem)
- 3 1607-1676
- 3 1842-1921
- 1 1843-1935
- 1 1845-1915
- 7 1852-1925 more ...
- 3 1857-1917
- 2 1858-1913
- 1 1858-1940
- 1 1858-1948
- 1 1859-1909
- 1 1859-1937
- 1 1860-1931
- 3 1860-1932
- 1 1861-1936
- 1 1864-1913
- 4 1869-1952
- 2 1870-1950
- 1 1870-1957
- 1 1871-1919
- 1 1871-1960
- 6 1880-1962
- 2 1886-1941 1907-1907 less ...
- Year of Publication