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- Remove Filters Topic (Audio visual): Anti-fascism
- 11 Music and Sound
- 1,035 Visual Documents
- Format
- 5 audio cassette
- 108 badge
- 1 banner
- 108 button
- 2 cd
- 1 cutting more ...
- 3 drawing
- 4 gramophone record
- 16 half-tone photo
- 1 leaflet
- 12 montage
- 4 newspaper poster
- 2 object
- 2 painting
- 91 photo
- 3 photocopy
- 25 picture postcard
- 764 poster
- 23 print
- 9 small printed matter
- 3 stamp
- 23 sticker
- 2 textile
- 6 video less ...
- Author
- 1 Achten, Eric
- 2 Adam, Michel
- 1 Adlin, S.
- 2 Agulló Padrós, M.
- 1 Alma, Peter, 1886-1969
- 1 Angelbeek, C.A.J. van more ...
- 1 Arbeeld
- 3 Badía Vilato
- 1 Bardasano
- 1 Beekers, Frank
- 1 Belem, Saul
- 1 Besselsen, Piet
- 1 Binnington, David
- 2 Blanken, Piet den
- 2 Bleekrode, Meijer 1896-1943
- 1 Bloch, Mies
- 1 Boer, Jaap de
- 2 Bottema, Tjerk
- 1 Brink, Vanti ten
- 2 Broekman, Nico
- 1 Brown, George
- 1 Bruin, Peter de
- 4 Catalá
- 1 Chabani, Rachida, ontwerper
- 1 Clément, René
- 1 Crepax, Guido
- 1 Damen, Paul
- 1 Davidow, Ruth
- 1 Delmo
- 1 Demirkol, Irfan
- 1 Ditfurth, Jutta
- 1 Doeve, Eppo
- 1 Ducret, Jean-Pierre
- 1 Ellen
- 1 Faura, Pedro
- 1 Filo
- 2 Freire, Francisco
- 1 Freitag, Wolfgang
- 3 Funke Küpper, Albert
- 1 GAL
- 1 GGW
- 1 GHT
- 1 Geerits, J.
- 1 Gerritse, Pim
- 1 Gils, Aug. W. van
- 2 Gribling, Frank
- 2 Grivin, T.
- 1 Grupo DAS
- 7 Heartfield, John
- 1 Hofmann, Lutz less ...
- Language
- 13 Arabic
- 1 Chinese
- 1 Danish
- 253 Dutch
- 24 English
- 22 French more ...
- 69 German
- 1 Greek
- 3 Hebrew
- 10 Italian
- 90 No linguistic content
- 1 Norwegian
- 2 Portuguese
- 9 Russian
- 11 Spanish
- 1 Sranan Tongo
- 1 Swedish
- 19 Turkish
- 547 Undetermined
- 3 Western Frisian
- 1 Yiddish less ...
- Topic (Audio visual)
- 2 Agriculture
- 21 Anarchism
- 1 Anniversaries
- 7 Anti-Semitism
- 8 Anti-capitalism
- 1 Anti-clericalism more ...
- 1 Anti-communism Anti-fascism
- 7 Anti-imperialism
- 1 Anti-parliamentarism
- 2 Artists
- 102 Biographica
- 1 Books
- 1 Caravan-dwellers
- 21 Caricature
- 1 Children
- 1 Civil servants
- 9 Commemorations
- 10 Communism
- 1 Criminal law
- 1 Culture
- 1 Decolonization
- 1 Democracy
- 11 Dictatorships
- 45 Discrimination
- 1 Documental sobre la Resistenciade Itoiz y Artozki
- 2 Education
- 19 Elections
- 1 Emancipation of women
- 2 Environment protection
- 2 European elections
- 16 Exhibitions
- 1 Exile
- 8 Fascism
- 1 Feminism
- 2 Film
- 2 Film industry
- 1 Franquismo
- 20 General elections
- 15 Group portrait
- 1 History
- 9 Human rights
- 1 Immigrants
- 2 Jews
- 1 Journal hebdomadaire
- 1 Labour movement
- 3 Left-wing radicalism
- 1 Liberation
- 4 Local elections less ...
- Collector
- 1 ANJV
- 1 Algemeyner Yidisher Arbeyter Bund
- 1 Amnesty International
- 2 Blom, Ron
- 1 Bond voor Dienstplichtigen
- 1 Brittain, Bernadette more ...
- 2 Brouwer, Erik
- 24 CNT (España)
- 1 CNT (France)
- 1 CPN
- 1 Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores
- 1 Cineclub Vrijheidsfilms (Amsterdam)
- 4 Davidson, Steef
- 1 De Vlam
- 4 Diepenhorst, C.A.M.
- 1 Doeve, Eppo
- 1 Exter, Jak den
- 1 FNV Bondgenoten
- 2 Februari Collectief (Amsterdam)
- 7 Fedeli, Ugo
- 1 Federación Española de Deportados e Internados Politicos (Paris)
- 1 Fontanillas Borrás, Antonia
- 2 Gastarbeidwinkel (Nijmegen)
- 17 Gingold, Peter Philipp
- 2 Gussenhoven, Ewold M.A.F.
- 1 Gómez Peláez, Fernando
- 2 Hill, Thomas
- 1 Hilvers, Jan
- 3 ID-Archiv (Amsterdam)
- 10 Informationsdienst-Zentrum fϋr alternative Medien (Frankfurt am Main)
- 1 Internationale Socialisten
- 1 Karaman, Muharrem
- 1 Keller, Adam
- 1 Komitee Zuidelijk Afrika (Amsterdam)
- 3 LOSON (Utrecht)
- 1 Landelijk Aktiekomitee Wet Arbeid Buitenlandse Werknemers
- 1 Landelijke Studenten Vakbond
- 1 Ligue Communiste (France)
- 2 Malovier, Guy
- 1 Martínez Guerricabeitia, José
- 9 Metz, H.
- 3 Molina, Juan M.
- 1 Mumia Steungroep Amsterdam
- 1 Nabrink, Gé
- 1 Nederlands Instituut voor Zuidelijk Afrika (Amsterdam)
- 1 Nederlandsche Bond van Personeel in Overheidsdienst
- 1 Neudecker, Heinz
- 1 Offensief
- 4 Ohringer, Mirjam less ...
- Period
- 1 1646-1716
- 1 1729-1781
- 1 1762-1814
- 1 1804-1872
- 1 1818-1883
- 1 1877-1957 more ...
- 5 1883-1942
- 1 1884-1968
- 1 1896-1936
- 1 1897-1982
- 1 1898-1973
- 1 1905-1994
- 1 1906-1962
- 2 1906-1994
- 4 1923-1923
- 2 1924-1924
- 18 1925-1949
- 1 1927-1927
- 2 1927-1929
- 3 1928-1928
- 1 1929-1929
- 8 1930-1930
- 2 1931-1931
- 1 1931-1932
- 2 1932-1932
- 1 1932-1990
- 22 1933-1933
- 1 1933-1934
- 11 1934-1934
- 1 1934-1936
- 6 1935-1935
- 1 1935-1937
- 1 1935-1938
- 33 1936-1936
- 2 1936-1937
- 7 1936-1938
- 22 1936-1939
- 30 1937-1937
- 14 1938-1938
- 2 1938-1939
- 2 1939-1939
- 1 1940-1940
- 3 1940-1945
- 1 1942-1944
- 1 1943-1947
- 1 1944-1946
- 4 1945-1945
- 2 1946-1946
- 3 1947-1947
- 1 1948-1948 less ...
- Year of Publication