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Period 1917-1926
Typescript of his memoirs `Tak bylo v dvadcatych (u istokov GULAG'a)', covering c. 1917-1926 and including his recollections of twelve Menshevik comrades, written in 1990 (photocopy).
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Documents regarding the collecting of dates and the issuing of the 'Biographical dictionary of dissidents in the Soviet Union, 1956-1975' comp. and ed. by S.P. de Boer, E.J. Driessen and H.L. Verhaar (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1982).
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Collection of documents relating to Neu Beginnen. W. Löwenheim: typoscripts of texts of ORG courses, including the first chapter of the elementary course `Ein Galopp durch die Geschichte' 1931, the advanced `F[ortgeschrittenen]- Kurse' (or `Alter F-Kurs') 1931-1932, covering theory and history of th...
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Fifteen letters to his family written while in prison 1884-1885.
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Family papers collected by Ljudmila Novikova (born in 1934), member of the foundation of former GULAG prisoners Vozvraščenie. Passport of Anna A. Novikova 1905; a manuscript by Konstantin A. Novikov; some documents of Evgenija and Vera Novikova; papers of Elena A. Novikova and David M. Bacer consist...
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Letters received by Mering, some by her son Jakov L. Mering, from some 50 correspondents, mainly Russian social democrats, including Lidija Dan (c. 250 letters), Fedor Dan 1922-1946, Iraklij Tsereteli 1924-1925, 1929, Samuil Sčupak1921-1924, 1932, 1938, Boris Nikolaevskij 1923-1924, 1931-1934, Rafai...
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Diaries 1910-1911, 1916, [1918?]-1933, including his 'Russian' diary; extensive correspondence with Emma Goldman 1917, 1924-1936; correspondence c. 1906-1913, 1919-1936, with Rafail Abramovič 1930-1934, Angelica Balabanoff 1925-1936, Stella Ballantine 1924, 1927-1936, Roger Baldwin 1925-1927, 1931,...
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Notulen van groep 100 te Vlaardingen van Amnesty International 1972-2001; stukken betreffende de politieke gevangenen Anton Ackermann (Romania) 1977, Yakobus Eko Kurniawan (Indonesia) 1996-1999, Filomeno da Silva Pereira (East Timor, Indonesia) 1993-2000, Ivan Sokulsky (Ukraine, USSR) 1972-1976 en d...
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Proofs of Starkov's not published book Naperekor Stalinizmu. Ocerki i dokumenty politiceskoj bor' by v VKP (b) (Наперекор Сталинизму. Очерки и документы политической борьбы в ВКП(б)) with proof of the cover and prints of some photographs to be used in the book 1991 (this book is on the opposition ag...
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A letter and manuscripts of poems by Alla Alexandrovna Lebedinskaja, written during her imprisonment 1947, n.d.; some biographical notes concerning Alla A. Lebedinskaja, n.d.
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Period 1892-1893
Enige persoonlijke stukken: militair zakboekje met bijlagen, bewijs van gratie en ontslag uit de gevangenis Utrecht 1893; enige artikelen en andere stukken betreffende de spoorwegstaking in Zuid-Afrika en zijn verbanning, onder andere verslag van zijn bezoek aan België; artikelen en lezing over comm...
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A series of 145 extensive memoirs of former victims of Stalinism; thousands of files containing short memoirs, letters and other documents relating to the terror, including completed questionnaires stating date of arrest, possible reason, sentence, place of incarceration and length of term; a card i...
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Period 1984-2015
Vozvraščenie is a Russian publishing house of manuscripts of GULAG memoirs.
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Correspondence, bulletins, and other documents on the campaign against the fate and treatment of USSR prisoners detained in psychiatric hospitals and prison hospitals and against the systematic abuse of psychiatry for political purposes in the USSR 1975-1988.
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Manuscript of his memoirs (photocopies), including a list of his publications.
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Typescript by T.I. Isaeva (Исаева Татьяна Ивановна) on her memoirs on V.T. Shalamov (Шаламов Варлам Тихонович) 'A butterfly fell in the ink...' (See GIA 2000).
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Documents relating to his military career and financial documents of his family's contractors' firm 1943-1947; correspondence and statements by Ricciardelli relating to the period that he moved from the USA to the Soviet Union, the period the family lived in Kiev and the problems to return to the US...
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Period 1920-1971
Nederlandse ingenieur die op zoek naar werk, zich met zijn echtgenote eerst in Duitsland vestigde en daarna naar de Sovjet-Unie reisde. Najaar 1936 gearresteerd, naar Siberië gedeporteerd en in maart 1938 geëxecuteerd.
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Period 1870-1934
Collection consisting of two components: the `Narodničestvo' (Народничество) collection relating to the activities of the populists in the seventies and eighties and the records of the PSR (Партия социалистов-революционеров, ПСР). Narodničestvo (Народничество) 1870-1900: correspondence, primarily of...
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