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Photocopies of correspondence between Tomáš Masaryk and Edvard Beneš 1918-1923.
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Period 1980-1990
Correspondentie met Amnesty International, Charta 77 Foundation (Sweden), Interkerkelijk Vredesberaad (IKV), Palach Press Limited (Londen), Pax Christi en andere organisaties alsmede personen in Nederland en Tsjecho-Slowakije 1980-1990; stukken toekenning Erasmusprijs aan Václav Havel 1986; stukken...
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Documentation on the Inconnu group (Budapest), Artpool (Budapest), Srećna galerija (Belgrade), Galerija ŠKUC (Ljubljana), Galerija Studentskog kulturnog centra (Belgrade) and other collectives and centres; documentation on Czechoslovakia.
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Documentation on the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly, 19-22 October 1990 in Prague, Czechoslovakia.
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Period 1981-1984
Onderwijzer en schoolhoofd, later voorzitter onderwijsvakbond ABOP, lid van het partijbestuur van de CPN.
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Period 1989-1990
Collection of proclamations, leaflets, bulletins and other documents relating to the Czechoslovakian 'velvet' revolution of 1989; documents concerning the founding of OF and VPN; proclamations and documents concerning their organization and activities; list of political prisoners; proclamations by a...
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Ephemera collection on economic, social en political developments in Czechoslovakia.
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Typescript 'Comrades at twilight' by Guillermo Gasió (Amsterdam, Berlin, Buenos Aires, Cambridge 1989-2000); typescripts, with corrections by the interviewed politicians, of his interviews with Miloš Jakěs , Miroslav Štěpán and Karel Urbánek (Czechoslovakia), Egon Krenz , Hans Modrow and Gün...
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Period 1934-1938
Part of his papers, mainly concerning the illegal work of the Austrian social democrats and the resistance to fascism: correspondence (1924) 1934-1938, mainly letters received by Bauer from Friedrich Adler, Julius Braunthal, Fedor Dan, Karl Frank, Hubert (alias Joseph Buttinger), Paul Hertz, Otto an...
Online content
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Period 1975-1980
Politicoloog verbonden aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam. Voerde samen met zijn studenten een onderzoek uit naar de kandidaatstelling binnen de afdeling Amsterdam van de Partij van de Arbeid voor de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen in 1978.
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Collection of around 250 European periodicals, 1948-2000.
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Period 1916-2002
Correspondence; personal documents; typescripts; documents concerning the Czech Social Democratic Party (Česká Strana Sociálně Demokratická ČSSD); the Confederation of Political Prisoners of the Czech Republic (Konfederace Politických Vězňů České Republiky KPV, formerly K-231), rehabilitation cases,...
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